How it works! 3 simple steps to your online wishlist
Create wishlist online for free
Create your wishlist without registration and absolutely free in just a few clicks. Share it with your family or friends. No more boring or duplicate gifts. Gift giving can be so easy.
Add wishes to wishlist
Find the gift that is right for you from over 229 million products and put it on your wishlist. You can add as many products as you like to your wishlist.
Share wishlist with family and friends
Share your wishlist easily with your family or friends via email, Whatsapp or a simple link. You can even embed your wishlist into your own website.
Birthday wishlist
Help your friends and family find the perfect gifts for you.
Wedding wishlist
Make your special day memorable with a wishlist to share among your guests.
Birth wishlist
Whether it is a baby shower or first birthday. Create a wishlist for the first special moments.
Christmas wishlist
Christmas time is gift time. Whether for you or your children - create individual wishlists.
Number of wishlists
Number of wishes
Number of wishes fulfilled
Wishlist features from Wishly
No more double gifts
With the "Mark as bought" function, your family or friends can see which wishes have already been fulfilled.
Easily shareable with friends and family
You can easily share your wishlist with friends or family via mail, WhatsApp or a link after you have created it.
What other users say about Wishly
Our Wishly online wishlist has already been used by thousands of users. Learn more about what others think about it.
Create an Online Wishlist Easily and for Free
The idea for this online wishlist came from a common problem. Before big events like birthdays or Christmas, your relatives and friends want to know what gifts you'd like. Often, you might not have a ready answer and wish you had a list of all your wishes to share.
Even if you do communicate your wishes to everyone, coordination can be lacking, resulting in duplicate gifts.
The online wishlist from Wishly solves these issues.
With Wishly's online wishlist, you can effortlessly create a birthday wishlist, a wedding wishlist, or a baby wishlist. You can update the wishlist anytime and share it with friends and family.
To prevent receiving duplicate gifts, gift-givers can mark items as "gifted" once they purchase them for you.
Create your own wishlist in just 3 steps, easily and for free.
- Name your wishlist and set the event date.
- Add the products you wish for. Browse through millions of products and select your favorites.
- Share the list with friends and family via email, WhatsApp, or a simple link.
Creating a wishlist is completely free and doesn't require registration.
If you want to edit your wishlist later, you will need to create an account with us.